155. (S4) Vladimir Kovalev (BGA Someone_you_know) Russian Carcassonne Player (EN)

Meeple podcast
Meeple podcast
155. (S4) Vladimir Kovalev (BGA Someone_you_know) Russian Carcassonne Player (EN)

One of the best known players in the Board Game Arena, 2-time champion of the BGA Arena tournament and one of the most feared Russian players you can face. He will participate in the Carcassonne World Cup in Germany under neutral flag, as an “international Carcassonne player” and belongs to the Russian national team that has participated in the WTCOC under the acronym RCP (Russian Carcassonne Players). World Champion in 2016 and quoted in the book “The Book Of Carcassonne” by Steve Dee and Dan Chard.

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